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Bridge Bills 2.0: Updates and New Features

We are excited to announce a series of new features and improvements in the E-Invoicing software Bridge Bills Version 2.0 Our primary focus has been enhancing user experience, adding crucial functionalities, and improving overall performance.

Here’s a detailed look at what’s new:

Added Modules in E-Invoicing Software

Bridge LCS 2.0 Billing software update brings a host of new features designed to enhance your experience and streamline your operations. These updates include the following key modules:

Add-On Users

Bridge Bills now support adding new users through the “Add-On Users” feature. This means you can easily expand your team by including more users in your existing software setup. Whether you’re scaling up your operations or simply need more hands on deck, this feature provides the flexibility to incorporate new team members without any issues.


The “Branching” feature allows you to manage multiple branches within your organization from a single, unified platform. With this update, you can add new branches as your business grows, each with its own set of users, permissions, and data. 

Active/Inactive Options for Items

To enhance your inventory management, we’ve introduced “Active” and “Inactive” options for items within your system. This feature lets you categorize items based on their current status, helping you maintain an organized and up-to-date inventory. You can mark items as active if they are currently in use or available, and set them as inactive when they are not needed, without the need to delete them.

Key Features Added in Mobile App:

Live Chat Support Added

We have optimized the platform to enhance our communication module, ensuring interactions within the system are more efficient and effective. This improvement streamlines our processes, making it easier for team members to collaborate and communicate seamlessly, ultimately boosting overall productivity and responsiveness.

Summary of Bills and invoices

  • Approved  
  • Draft
  • Total 
  • Due Today
  • Due to the Last 30 Days
  • Balance Due

New Modules


  • Create, Edit, Delete, Activate: Full control over users. Super Admin Access: Only super admins have access to manage users.


  • Record Payments: If a bill is approved, the Record Payment option will become available and be listed under Payments.
  • Actions: Options to delete, approve, and disapprove payments.


  • Record Collections: When an invoice is approved, the Record collection option appears, and collections are recorded.
  • Actions: Options to delete, approve, and disapprove collections.

Enhanced Features and Improvements

  • Overall Performance: Significant improvements to system performance and user interface modifications.
  • Customer Page: Added a “sent mail” option for better customer communication tracking.
  • Edit Option: Added the ability to edit major modules,
    • Invoices
    • Estimates
    • Sales Orders
    • Proforma Invoices
    • Bills
    • Purchase Orders
    • Expenses
    • Items
    • Units

Active and Inactive Features in Items

In our system, we have implemented a comprehensive approach to managing items through a set of active and inactive. This allows for greater flexibility, control, and efficiency in handling various aspects of item management.

Improved User Rights

We have implemented an upgraded user rights system to provide enhanced control over user permissions. This improvement is designed to ensure that users have the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks effectively while maintaining security and compliance within the system. 


This update marks a significant step in making E-Invoicing software more intuitive, powerful, and user-friendly. We are committed to continually improving our software to meet the evolving needs of our users. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements.

Thank you for being a valued user. Your feedback is always welcome as we strive to deliver the best experience possible.

Thanks for reading!

Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section. If you would like to learn more about our latest version please visit our website or contact us at +966 55 506 5473.

If you’re ready to take your billing process to the next level with Bridge Bills,try 14 days freetrial now. 

That’s All. For more information mail us at us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook
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