
Finance is the cornerstone of every organization.It is required for running all the business operations. Bridgebills helps to manage and analyze the business transactions more effectively with the help of Finance module. .

Submodules of the Finance section are as follows.


Expenses are operational costs that are incurred for running a business. These operation costs are created and maintained in this module

Steps to create Expenses

Step 1
Go to Finance → Expenses → New Expense
Step 2
Enter Vendor Information

Click on "+Add Vendor" and choose the required vendor from the dropdown or create a vendor from the New Vendor option

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Mention the Posting date, Tax Type, Payment mode,Customer or Employee, Reference Currency Exchange Rate and Add Attachment if any.

The currency exchange rate column in BridgeBills displays the exchange rate for the currency selected when the vendor was created.

Step 3
Enter Expense Account Details

Select an Account from the dropdown or create an account from the New Account option.

Also select type (Goods or Service), Amount and VAT.

More accounts can be added by clicking on Add an Item.

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Step 4
Summary of Charges and Payment Status

Total amount without VAT and total VAT amount will be displayed.

Enable Auto round off to keep an intact amount with VAT.

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Step 5
Terms of Service and Saving Options

Notes and terms of service can be added if any, which will be displayed on the print.

Footer option can be used for additional information or notes.

Final step is to click on Save.

Save and new option is available in the dropdown to add a new Expense along with saving the current data.

Clicking on Expenses switches you back to expense list page.

Enter the Expense number, Vendor or Expense date and click on the search option to get the details of Expenses created.

Actions performed
  • Edit/Delete (only unapproved expense can be edited/deleted)
  • Approve/Disapprove
  • Recurring
  • Print

Note *

Users are provided with a dropdown to navigate between selected submodules.

Apart from the switching option in the dropdown we have also displayed the journal voucher submodule for easier navigation.

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel.

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.

Recurring refers to the ability to automate the generation of expenses that occur on a regular basis


This module in Bridge Bills simplifies the process of tracking and recording expenses

Chart Of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts module is used to create and manage the list of accounts that make up the General Ledger in an accounting system.

These accounts are typically categorized into five different types:i.e. Assets, Liability, Equity, Income and Expense.

Steps to create an New Account

Step 1
Go to Finances → Chart Of Accounts → New Account
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Step 2
Enter Account Details(Assets, Liability, Equity,Income and Expense)

Select the Account Type from the dropdown as per your requirement.

Enter the Account Name, Account Code and Description (if any).

To modify the entered data, click on Clear button.Final step is to click on Save.

Newly created accounts will be displayed in Chart of Accounts list page.

Enter the account name, Account code or Account level and click on the search option to get the details of created accounts.

invoicing software
Actions performed
  • Edit
  • Delete

Note *

Export option is available to export the data in excel sheet.

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.

If a transaction is recorded under a particular account, edit or delete option will be disabled.


Watch the tutorial video now to become proficient at managing your Chart of Accounts with ease

Journal Voucher

Journal vouchers are created to work directly with the general ledger, to create both debit and credit entries for unique financial transaction.

Steps to create a Journal Voucher.

Step 1
Go to Finances → Journal Voucher → Create Journal
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Step 2
Enter the Voucher Details

Enter Date, Reference, Notes, Currency Exchange Rate, Document, Journal Type.

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Step 3
Record the transaction entries

Enter the Account, Employee, Description and Amount.

Debit and credit entries need to be recorded and make sure the total amount is zero.

More entries can be recorded by clicking on “Add an Item”.

To modify the entered data, click on Clear button.

Final step is to click on Save. Save and new option is available in the dropdown to add a new Journal voucher along with saving the current data.

Clicking on Journals switches you back to Journals vouchers list page.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to get the details of the created Journal voucher.

invoicing software
Actions performed
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Approve/Disapprove
  • Print

Note *

Expense submodule is displayed on top for easier navigation.

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and print

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.


Watch the tutorial video now to become skilled at managing journal vouchers

Opening Balance

Opening balance is one of the important module in Bridge Bills.

When the firm is migrating its accounts, the closing balance of the existing firm will become the opening balance in the new firm.

Steps for creation of Opening balance

    Step 1

    Mention the migration date

    invoicing software

    Step 2

    Mention the net debit or net credit balance against the accounts

    invoicing software

    Step 3

    Enter the available amount in Account receivable and Accounts payable column to enable the Customer and Vendor tab

    invoicing software
    invoicing software

    Step 4

    Final step is save the entered data

Note *

New Accounts can be created by clicking on the new account button.


Bridge Bills simplifies the process of establishing your initial balances, ensuring accuracy in your financial records watch the tutorial video