
Company data, Financial settings, tax settings and other basic information of the company are managed in this module.

The information mentioned in this module is automatically fetched when you create estimates, invoices and bills etc.

Steps to Add the Company profile

Step 1
Go to Settings and you will get a list of subsegments to be filled
invoicing software
Step 2
Company Settings

Enter the Company details, Contact Details, Address in English and Arabic and click on Save.

invoicing software
Step 3
Document Number Format

In this tab you can provide specific code for your Customer, Vendor, Bill, Invoice, Estimate and Expense as per your requirement and click on save.

Default digital value and sample output will be shown on the right side of the page.

invoicing software

Note *

The values in “Document Number Format” can be updated only once.

Step 4
Taxes (VAT) Settings

Bridgebills helps you configure your tax settings of your company

invoicing software

Tax (VAT) settings have 3 different sections as follows


Enter the VAT Number, VAT Registration Date and attach the VAT file.

Add Tax

Enter the Tax Name, Rate percentage and click on Save.


You can set the Sales and Purchase Tax Rates, Sales Account, Sales Type, Purchase Account, Purchase Type for the listed Items.

Note *

The listed Items are created from Products and Services→Items.

Step 5
Invoice Settings

The invoice settings module in bridgebills helps to customize the invoice template, such as the logo, Stamp, Header and Footer, to match the business's brand and style.

Select the Invoice Template as Classic, Elegant or Modern.

Enable the custom Header and Footer and adjust the header and footer height as per your requirement.

Attach the Affiliation Logo and maximum 5 logos are permissible.

Enable the stamp if required,attach the stamp and click on Save.

invoicing software
Step 6
Financial Settings

Enter Fiscal Year as per your country’s standard and enter the default currency of your organization which is determined by the business location that you have selected while setting up your organization.

Enable live currency exchange rate and click on Save.

invoicing software

This module in Bridge Bills simplifies the process of configuring settings to tailor your software experience