
Report module simplifies the activity of an organization by providing the data in which we can track the business activities in an organized pattern

Reports are classified into


Subsegments of Accounts are as follows

invoicing software

Account Balance

The Account Balance report provides a comprehensive summary of all the accounts in a given period.

It includes the opening balance of each account.

The report also shows the debit and credit transactions made during the period, and finally the closing balance of each account.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown has options like Excel and Pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report

invoicing software

Discover how to efficiently manage your account balances with our tutorial video

Account Transactions/General ledger

The Accounts Transactions / General Ledger report is a financial report that provides a detailed overview of all financial transactions made within a specified period for a particular account.

The report typically includes information such as the date of the transaction, the type of transaction (e.g., sales, purchase, payment, receipt, etc.), the transaction reference number, and the amount credited or debited.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Learn how to effectively manage account transactions and your general ledger with our tutorial video


The Banking report presents a clear summary of the number of transactions,opening balance, balance, and net balance for a specified period across all Bank and Cash accounts.

The report also presents the information in a graphical format for easy visualization.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Watch the tutorial video now to become proficient at handling banking activities with ease


Subsegments of Business reports are as follows.

invoicing software

This module in Bridge Bills simplifies the process of setting up your business within the software

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is a financial statement that summarizes the company's financial position for a specified period.

It presents a summary of the balances in all the accounts in a company's accounting system categorized into assets, liabilities, and equity.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report

invoicing software

Discover how to effectively generate and analyze balance sheets with our tutorial video

Profit and Loss

A financial report that provides a concise overview of a company's financial performance during a specific period, including revenue generated from sales, expenses incurred, and purchases made.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Bridge Bills simplifies the process of generating and understanding income statements, ensuring accuracy in your financial reporting watch the tutorial video

Trial Balance

A trial balance report is a financial statement that summarizes the balances of all accounts in a company's accounting system.

It lists the total debit and credit entries for each account, providing a quick overview of the company's financial position

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Watch the tutorial video now to become proficient at managing trial balances with ease


A tax report is a document that provides information about a company's tax liability to the relevant tax authority.

To prepare a tax report, businesses typically need to maintain accurate financial records throughout the year, which can be done using BridgeBills.

Subsegments of the Tax report are as follows.

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Learn how to effectively manage and calculate taxes with our tutorial video

Tax Summary

The Tax Summary Report is a financial statement that displays the total tax amount with their respective tax classifications during a specific period, providing an overview of the company's tax liability.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report

invoicing software

This module in Bridge Bills simplifies the process of generating and understanding tax summaries watch the tutorial

Output Tax Summary

Output Tax Summary report provides a comprehensive view of the taxable amount,tax amount and total amount for each tax category associated with customer invoices.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Learn how to effectively create and interpret output tax summaries with our tutorial video

Input Tax Summary

Input Tax Summary report provides a comprehensive view of the taxable amount,tax amount and total amount for each tax category associated with vendor bills.

Select the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Discover how to efficiently create and interpret input tax summaries with our tutorial video


Purchase report provides businesses an overview of their purchasing activities and helps them to track their purchases with a particular vendor.

Purchases has two sections

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Learn how to effectively manage and record purchase transactions

Purchase by Vendor

The Purchase by Vendor Report is a valuable tool for companies to monitor their purchases with specific vendors, track their accounts payable, and ensure that all invoices have been paid on time.

Select the Vendor and the period or choose a custom date range filter and then click on the search button to generate the report with accurate and relevant information.

Purchase by vendor report fetches the list of the bills received and paid.

The report displays Row no, Expense Count, Bill Count, Vendor Credit Count, Amount and Amount with Tax.

Note *

Single Click / Double click on the required account, to get the list of vouchers involved along with the party details

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report

invoicing software

Bridge Bills simplifies the process of organizing your purchases, ensuring accuracy in your financial records

Ageing report

Ageing report fetches the details of customers owe you based on the invoice due date.

The report displays the bills generated in intervals over a period of 30 days.

Select the Vendor and the Report Date and Click on Search once the desired period is selected .

Note *

Single Click / Double click on the required bill, to get the detailed view

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf, also you can click on the print button to print the data

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report


Watch the tutorial video to seamlessly manage the art of working with ageing reports


A sales report is a document that provides an overview of the sales activities and performance of a business over a specific period.

t includes information such as the number of products or services sold, revenue generated, profit margins etc.

Sales Reports are classified into

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Watch the tutorial video now to become proficient at creating sales effortlessly

Income by Customer

An Income by Customer report is a financial statement that shows the amount of revenue earned from each customer over a specific period.

The report provides an overview of the sales activities and performance of a business by customer.

The data fetched on the report are Customer, Invoice Count, Sales and Sales with Tax.

Select the Customer and the period or choose date from the custom date filter and click on search to get the desired results.

Note *

Single Click / Double click on the particular row, to get the detailed view

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report

Invoices in the Draft status won’t be reflected here

invoicing software

Learn how to efficiently track and manage income categorized by customer with our tutorial video

Aging report

Aging report holds the details of invoices that are not paid by the customers.

The report displays the bills generated in intervals over a period of 30 days.

Select the Customer and the Report Date and Click on Search once the desired period is selected

Note *

Single Click / Double click on the required invoice, to get the detailed view

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf, also you can click on the print button to print the data

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report

Income by Project

An Income by Project report in BridgeBills software shows the income earned from each project or job during a specific period of time.

Income by project fetches the report of total sales received from a particular project.

The data fetched on the report are Total Cost, Total Sales and Total Profit

Select the project and the period or choose date from the custom date filter and click on search to get the desired results.

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel and pdf, also you can click on the print button to print the data

Navigation menu displayed on the top, allows the user to quickly jump between different subsections of the report