Product & Services

Product and Service modules can be utilised to add the Items and Unit as per your business requirement.

Sub modules of Product and Services sections are follows


This module in Bridge Bills simplifies the process of handling your product and service watch the video


The item module in BridgeBills is a feature that allows you to create and maintain items or products that companies sell or purchase, which can include physical products or services.

Steps to create New Item

Step 1
Go to Product and Services → Items → New Item
invoicing software
Step 2
Enter Product/Service Information

Select the Type (Goods or Services).

Enter the Item Name in English and Arabic, Tax Preference, Sales, Cost,Income Account, Expense Account and other details.

To modify the entered data, click on Clear button.

Final step is to click on Save.

Created Items will be shown in the Item page list.

Enter the Item No, Name, type of service and click on search to get the details of the particular Item created.

invoicing software
Actions performed
  • Edit
  • Delete

Note *

Income account and Expense account can be created in Finance Module → chart of accounts

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel

Users are provided with a dropdown to navigate between selected submodules

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star

Search Options is provided to fetch Item No, Name, Sales, Sales VAT (%), Purchase and Purchase VAT(%) of particular Item created.


The unit module in BridgeBills is a feature that allows you to create and manage the units of measurement used for the products or services.

Steps to create New Units

Step 1
Go to Products and Services → Units → New Unit
invoicing software
Step 2
Enter the Unit Information

A new window opens to enter Name and Description

To modify the entered data, click on Clear button

Final step is to click on Save

Created Units will be shown in the Unit page list

Enter the Row No, Name and click on search to get the details of the particular Unit created

invoicing software
Actions performed
  • Edit
  • Delete

Note *

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star