
The Purchases module is an important part of accounting software that helps you to manage their procurement and payment processes efficiently.

Purchase Module includes the following features:


Vendors play a vital role in the success of any business, Bridgebills helps you to preserve their data in a secure manner. This not only helps to ensure that you maintain positive relationships with your vendors but also protects your business from potential risks and liabilities.

Steps to Add a New Vendor

Step 1
Go to Purchases → Vendors → New Vendor and you will get a list of subsegments to be filled.
Step 2
First part is General wherein you need to fill in the details like Vendor name in English and Arabic, Currency, Currency Rate, Email, Phone and enable VAT if applicable.
invoicing software
Step 3
Contact & Communication

Enter the address details of the Vendor in English and in Arabic.

Communication part must be filled with Name,Email,Mobile and Phone. Multiple communication details can be added with the “Add Communication” feature.

Step 4
Fourth and Fifth Parts are Document and Banks respectively.Multiple data can be added and removed as per the requirement

To modify the entered data,click on Clear button.

Final step is to click on Save. Save and new option is available in the dropdown to add a new vendor along with saving the current data.

Clicking on "Vendors" switches back to the vendors list page

You can filter the vendor data by entering Vendor Name, Email, VAT No. or Payment status and click on search.

invoicing software
Actions performed

Note *

Users are provided with a dropdown to navigate between selected submodules.

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.

Vendor Statements

The vendor statement module in Bridgebills software helps you review and analyze the financial transactions of your vendors and make easier to track and manage vendor balances and payments.

Steps to review the Vendor Statement:

Step 1
Go to Purchases → Vendor Statement.
Step 2

Choose the Vendor, Period, From and To Date. Click on Search once all the required fields are filled.

Account Summary column displays the Opening Balance,Invoiced amount, Paid amount, Refunded and Closing Balance.

Table displays the Voucher Date, Voucher, Project Number, Reference Number, Amount, and Balance.

invoicing software

Note *

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel, pdf and print.

We have provided the submodules of the current module for easier navigation.

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.


Discover how to generate vendor statements effortlessly with our tutorial video

Purchase Order

A Purchase Order is a document issued by a buyer to a seller to formally request and authorize the purchase of goods or services.

Here are the general steps to create Purchase Order in Bridge Bills.

Step 1
Go to Purchases → Purchase Order → New Purchase Order
purchase order
Step 2
Enter Vendor Information

Click on +Add Vendor and choose the required Vendor from the drop down or create a vendor from the New Vendor option

Mention the Purchase Order Number, Bill Date,Due Date and Tax Type.

The currency exchange rate column displays the exchange rate for the currency selected when the customer was created.

Click on Add attachment to attach any documents If required.

Click on Add Project to choose the project from the drop down or create a project by selecting the the New Project option

Click on Add attachment to attach any documents If required.

Step 3
Enter Product/Service Details

Select the item from the dropdown or create an Item by selecting the New Item option from the drop down.Other details like Account, Type, Rate and VAT will be auto-fetched.

Quantity can be added as per requirement.

More items can be added by clicking on Add an Item.

Step 4
Summary of Charges

Total amount without VAT and total VAT amount will be displayed. Discount can be added as per the requirement.Enter Adjustment to keep an intact amount with VAT.

Step 5
Terms of Service and Saving Options

Notes and terms of service can be added if any, which will be displayed on the Purchase Order. Footer option can be used for additional information or notes.

Final step is to click on Save. Save and new option is available in the dropdown to add a new Purchase Order along with saving the current data.

Clicking on Purchase Order switches you back to the Purchase Order list.

Enter the Purchase Order Number, Vendor, Purchase Order Date(From and To Date ) or Type and click on search to get the details of the Purchase Order.

Actions performed in Unapproved/Approved Purchase Order
  • Edit/Delete
  • Approve/Disapprove
  • Print
  • Replicate
  • Convert to Bill

Note *

Users are provided with a dropdown to navigate between selected submodules.

Apart from the switching option in the dropdown we have also listed the submodules of the Purchase module for easier navigation.

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel.

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.


Crafting Purchase Orders with Our Exclusive Tutorial Video


Bills are documents that vendors send, to request payment for goods or services provided. They typically include details such as the date of the transaction, the amount due, and any applicable taxes or fees.

Bills module in bridgebills helps you can create and maintain those bills received from vendors.

Steps to create New Bill

Step 1
Go to Purchases → Bills→ New Bill
Step 2
Enter Vendor Information

Click on +Add Vendor and choose the required Vendor from the drop down or create a Vendor from the new vendor provided in the drop down.

Fill the Bill Date, Due Date, Tax Type and Currency exchange rate column displays the currency chosen at the time of creation of the selected vendor.

Click on Add Project to choose the project from the drop down or create a project by selecting the New Project option.

And Click on Add attachment to attach any documents If required.

invoicing software
Step 3
Enter Product/Service Details

Select the item from the dropdown or create an Item by selecting the New Item option and other details like Account,Type, Quantity, Rate, VAT will be auto-fetched.

More items can be added by clicking on Add an Item.

invoicing software
Step 4
Summary of Charges and Payment Status

Total amount without VAT and total VAT amount will be displayed.

Discounts can be added if any and tick the Auto round off box to keep an intact amount with VAT.

If payment is completely paid to the vendor, enable mark as fully paid and enter the payment account.

If you have received a partial payment,enter the amount paid, mention the payment account and the balance amount will be displayed.

invoicing software
Step 5
Terms of Service and Saving Options

Notes and Terms of Service can be added if any, which will be displayed on the bill. The footer option below can be used for additional information.

Final steps is to Click on Save button to save the created bill or Save and New if you want to add a new bill along with saving the current data.

Clicking on bills switches you back to the Bills list page

invoicing software

Enter the Bill Number, Vendor, Payment Status or Bill Date(From and To Date ) and click on search to get the details of invoice for the selected customer.

invoicing software
Actions performed in Unapproved Bill
  • Edit/Delete
  • Approve
  • Print
Actions performed in Approved Bill

Note *

Users are provided with a dropdown to navigate between selected submodules.

Apart from the switching option in the dropdown we have also listed the submodules of the purchase module for easier navigation.

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel.

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.

Recurring refers to the ability to automate the generation of bills that occur on a regular basis


This module in Bridge Bills simplifies the bill creation process

Vendor Credit

When a vendor issues credits via a credit note, you can record this as a vendor credit in BridgeBills.

Steps to add a Vendor Credit

Step 1
Go to Purchases → Vendor Credits → New Vendor Credit
Step 2
Enter Vendor Information

Select the Vendor for whom you want to record the credit followed by entering Bill and posting date.

The currency exchange rate column in BridgeBills displays the exchange rate for the currency selected when the vendor was created.

Also project will be displayed, if the same has been selected while creating the Bill.

invoicing software
Step 3
Enter Product/Service Details

Select the item from the drop down.Other details like Account, Type,Quantity,Rate and Tax will be auto-fetched or you can manually add them.. More items can be added by clicking on Add an Item.

invoicing software
Step 4
Summary of Charges and Payment Status

Total amount without VAT and total VAT amount will be displayed.

Enable Auto round off to keep an intact amount with VAT.

Step 5
Terms of Service and Saving Options

Notes and Terms of Service can be added if any, which will be displayed on the bill. Footer option can be used for additional information or notes.

Final step is to Click on Save. Save and New option is available in the dropdown to add a new vendor credit along with saving the current data.

Clicking on “Vendor Credits” switches back to the vendor credits list page.

Enter the Vendor credit number,Vendors or Vendor Credit date (From and To Date ) and click on search to get the details of vendor credits for the selected vendor.

invoicing software
Actions performed
  • Edit/Delete
  • Approve/Disapprove
  • Print

Note *

Users are provided with a dropdown to navigate between selected submodules.

Apart from the switching option in the dropdown we have also listed the submodules of the Purchases module for easier navigation.

The Export Dropdown feature allows users to export the document in Excel

To add a module to the favourites list, click on star.


Learn how to efficiently create vendor credits with our tutorial video